Kunstnerisk leder Sigrun Landro Bekken, Sig´Art Piano Studio, Kløfta i Ullensaker
Flere interesserte deltagere m/foreldre? Ta kontakt med Sigrun Landro Bekken
Sett av lørdagen 27. oktober til en skremmende spennende konsert!
Nivå 1 -5, fiolin
Det blir oppstart for Suzuki kurs nivå 1 – 5, januar 2018
Sted: Bergen
Kursledere blir: Jan Matthiesen, Danmark.
Lilja Hjaltadottir, Island.
Bindende påmelding pr web: https://goo.gl/forms/CjIkG01usYNGATWd2
Innen 1/11 2017.
Pris: nok 19 900 ekslusiv eksamensavgift.
Ønskes det mer informasjon: e post oystein.salvesen@bkkfiber.no eller mob 90681470.
Kurset går over 6 helger neste år: 2018
6.-7. jan.
17.- 18. feb.
5.- 6. Mai.
9.- 10. juni
15.- 16. sep.
27.- 28. okt.
eksamen 17.- 18. nov.
alternativt 10.- 11. nov
Sign up by using the form below, or use the following link:
Feil: Kontaktskjema ble ikke funnet.
Uranienborg Suzukiorkester, Oslo Suzuki Piano og Suzukicellister inviterer til Halloween Suzukitreff 2018!!
Fiolinister, Cellister, Pianister
For alle aldre og nivå!
27.oktober 2018
Her er link til påmelding (husk at påmeldingen er bindende).
Seminaret arrangeres på Marienlyst skole med gruppeundervisning for fiolin, cello og piano, og avsluttes med en grøssende konsert i Aulaen lørdag 27/10 og Halloween fest. Kle dere ut til et herrrrrlig samspill som spøkelser, skjeletter, hekser og trollmenn i skjønn forening, kongelige og superhelter er hjertelig velkomne. Vi tør, tør du?
Repertoaret blir utdelt til alle lærere og innøves på forhånd. Stykkene vil bli finpusset på seminaret. Lærerne kommer fra hele Østlandsområdet. Barna opplever inspirasjon og motivasjon med andre lærere sammen med barn fra andre Suzuki grupper. Dette igjen smitter over på hverdag og stimulerer til mer øving i forkant og etter seminaret.
Marienlyst skole: 27. okt. Øvelse, generalprøve, konsert og Halloween fest
Blindernveien 5, 0361 Oslo T-bane til Majorstuen. Buss nr. 20 fra Majorstuen (1 holdeplass) retning Ullevål.
OBS: Gratis parkering ved NRK / Store Studio hele lørdag og søndag (Europark).
Seminaret arrangeres lørdag 27/10 kl. 9.30 – 18.00. De yngste starter 2 timer senere.
Oppmøte for registrering og utpakking/ stemming av instrumenter fra kl. 9 på lørdag.
Seminaret avsluttes med konsert i Aulaen lørdag kl. 16.30 og Halloweenfest deretter.
Alle er hjertelig velkommen til å høre på avslutningskonserten Det er gratis inngang.
Kr 200 pr deltager (nybegynnere 3 – 5 år kr 100).
Ta med matpakke og vannflaske på lørdag.
Hvert orkester tar med kaker eller boller som serveres på Halloween fest etter konserten.
Betales til Uranienborg Suzukiorkester konto 1503.22.19745
Viktig! Merk betalingen med Halloween 2018 og barnets / barnas navn
Bindende påmelding på nett, www.oslosuzukipiano.com med følgende opplysninger:
deltagers navn, alder, instrument, nivå (nybegynner / Suzukibok-stykke), lærer, navn på ledsager med telefonnr og epostadresse.
Påmelding og Innbetalingsfrist: mandag 15. oktober 2018
Vi har gode pauser da vi håper å kunne være ute på skolens fine lekeplass og fotballbane mellom spilleøktene.
Husk notestativ merket med navn til barn som leser noter.
Velkommen til et seminar med masse spilling, hygge og mye moro!
Med vennlig hilsen,
Tiina Kusmik, dirigent USS Anna Helgadottir, NSF Sharon Lai OSP
Nivå 1 -5, fiolin
Det blir oppstart for Suzuki kurs nivå 1 – 5, januar 2018
Sted: Bergen
Kursledere blir: Jan Matthiesen, Danmark.
Lilja Hjaltadottir, Island.
Bindende påmelding pr web: https://goo.gl/forms/CjIkG01usYNGATWd2
Innen 1/11 2017.
Pris: nok 19 900 ekslusiv eksamensavgift.
Ønskes det mer informasjon: e post oystein.salvesen@bkkfiber.no eller mob 90681470.
Kurset går over 6 helger neste år: 2018
6.-7. jan.
17.- 18. feb.
5.- 6. Mai.
9.- 10. juni
15.- 16. sep.
27.- 28. okt.
eksamen 17.- 18. nov.
alternativt 10.- 11. nov
Nivå 1 -5, fiolin
Det blir oppstart for Suzuki kurs nivå 1 – 5, januar 2018
Sted: Bergen
Kursledere blir: Jan Matthiesen, Danmark.
Lilja Hjaltadottir, Island.
Bindende påmelding pr web: https://goo.gl/forms/CjIkG01usYNGATWd2
Innen 1/11 2017.
Pris: nok 19 900 ekslusiv eksamensavgift.
Ønskes det mer informasjon: e post oystein.salvesen@bkkfiber.no eller mob 90681470.
Kurset går over 6 helger neste år: 2018
6.-7. jan.
17.- 18. feb.
5.- 6. Mai.
9.- 10. juni
15.- 16. sep.
27.- 28. okt.
eksamen 17.- 18. nov.
alternativt 10.- 11. nov
Suzuki Teacher Training for Brass Teachers
European Suzuki Association Level 1 and 2
On October 15, 2011 the International Suzuki Association (ISA) included trumpet as a Suzuki instrument and appointed an International Suzuki Trumpet Committee.
The European Suzuki Association (ESA) has appointed Ann-Marie Sundberg to be ESA Suzuki Trumpet Teacher Trainer and the first ever Suzuki teacher training course for trumpet teachers took place in Sweden during the academic year 2013-2014. Since then over 40 Suzuki trumpet teachers in ten countries have taken part in the training.
In 2016 the ISA decided to augment the brief for the trumpet committee to also cover other brass instruments and renaming the committee The International Suzuki Brass Committee. This entails that it is now possible to become a Suzuki teacher on French horn, trombone, euphonium and tuba in addition to trumpet. The first teacher training course on all these instruments took place 2017-2018.
During the academic year 2018-2019 we will offer Suzuki teacher training for trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium and tuba in accordance with the requirements of the ESA Level 1 and ESA Level 2 Suzuki teacher training standards. Please note that these are two separate courses and the entry requirements for Level 2 are a previously completed Level 1 course.
The training course takes place in Stockholm (Nacka), Sweden. This is a non-residential course* which gives a unique opportunity to study in depth the Mother Tongue Method of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki as this has been developed for the first stages of brass teaching.
The course periods are as follows:
Level 1
Period 1:
Wednesday, August 1, 2018 from 1 pm (13.00) to Sunday August 5, 2018 at 12 o’clock noon in Stockholm (Nacka).
Period 2:
Thursday, February 14, 2019 from 1 pm (13.00) to Sunday, February 17, 2019 12 o’clock noon in Stockholm (Nacka).
Level 2
Period 1:
Thursday, August 2, 2018 from 1 pm (13.00) to Sunday August 5, 2018 at 4 pm (16.00) in Stockholm (Nacka).
Period 2:
Friday, February 15, 2019 from 1 pm (13.00) to Sunday, February 17, 2019 4 pm (16.00) in Stockholm (Nacka).
Saturday, March 30 or Sunday, March 31, 2019 in Stockholm (Nacka).
Suzuki Teacher Trainers: Ann-Marie Sundberg, (brass), ESA Suzuki Suzuki Teacher Trainer and Haukur F. Hannesson, (philosophy and pedagogy), ESA Suzuki Teacher Trainer on the cello.
Course fee: Registration fee SEK 2,000 (approx. EUR 204 or USD 247), the rest payable in two instalments, the first in July 2018 Swedish Kronor (SEK) 7,250 (approx. EUR 737 or USD 895) and the second in February 2019 Swedish Kronor 7,250 (approx. EUR 737 or USD 895) ** These payments include examination fee.
Please note that residents in Sweden and other countries belonging to the European Union (EU) need to add 25% Value Added Tax (VAT) to these sums.
Language: The course will be given in English.
Application: Interested brass teachers are invited to send their applications by connecting to the link below, fill in details and submit before June 1, 2018.
Audition: For ESA Level 1, an audition CD/recording is required prior to final acceptance of participation in accordance with instructions below. For ESA Level 2, a completed Level 1 Suzuki teacher training course on a brass instrument is an entry requirement.
For more information please contact
Ann-Marie Sundberg
E-mail: amsundberg48@gmail.com
Mobile Phone +46-70 55 77 912
*Accommodation possibilities close to the course venue in hotels or hostels.
**Value Added Tax (VAT) of 25% needs to be added to these sums for residents in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and other EU countries.
Should you wish to obtain a certificate at the end of the course on more than one brass instruments, you must do an audition and an examination on each of these instruments.
Audition Process for Suzuki Brass Course ESA Level 1 2018-2019
Make a recording on CD or with similar technique. This must be your own playing on your main instrument without any accompaniment.
The pieces to be recorded are (see separate sheets below for printed music):
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star – Theme and four variations
- G Tartini – Saraband bars/measures 1-16
- G Buononcini – Rondeau bars/measures 1-32
Please send your recording by post to:
Ann-Marie Sundberg
Stångåvägen 16
SE-128 44 Bagarmossen
or by e-mail to:
Suzuki Teacher Training for Brass Teachers
European Suzuki Association Level 1 and 2
On October 15, 2011 the International Suzuki Association (ISA) included trumpet as a Suzuki instrument and appointed an International Suzuki Trumpet Committee.
The European Suzuki Association (ESA) has appointed Ann-Marie Sundberg to be ESA Suzuki Trumpet Teacher Trainer and the first ever Suzuki teacher training course for trumpet teachers took place in Sweden during the academic year 2013-2014. Since then over 40 Suzuki trumpet teachers in ten countries have taken part in the training.
In 2016 the ISA decided to augment the brief for the trumpet committee to also cover other brass instruments and renaming the committee The International Suzuki Brass Committee. This entails that it is now possible to become a Suzuki teacher on French horn, trombone, euphonium and tuba in addition to trumpet. The first teacher training course on all these instruments took place 2017-2018.
During the academic year 2018-2019 we will offer Suzuki teacher training for trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium and tuba in accordance with the requirements of the ESA Level 1 and ESA Level 2 Suzuki teacher training standards. Please note that these are two separate courses and the entry requirements for Level 2 are a previously completed Level 1 course.
The training course takes place in Stockholm (Nacka), Sweden. This is a non-residential course* which gives a unique opportunity to study in depth the Mother Tongue Method of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki as this has been developed for the first stages of brass teaching.
The course periods are as follows:
Level 1
Period 1:
Wednesday, August 1, 2018 from 1 pm (13.00) to Sunday August 5, 2018 at 12 o’clock noon in Stockholm (Nacka).
Period 2:
Thursday, February 14, 2019 from 1 pm (13.00) to Sunday, February 17, 2019 12 o’clock noon in Stockholm (Nacka).
Level 2
Period 1:
Thursday, August 2, 2018 from 1 pm (13.00) to Sunday August 5, 2018 at 4 pm (16.00) in Stockholm (Nacka).
Period 2:
Friday, February 15, 2019 from 1 pm (13.00) to Sunday, February 17, 2019 4 pm (16.00) in Stockholm (Nacka).
Saturday, March 30 or Sunday, March 31, 2019 in Stockholm (Nacka).
Suzuki Teacher Trainers: Ann-Marie Sundberg, (brass), ESA Suzuki Suzuki Teacher Trainer and Haukur F. Hannesson, (philosophy and pedagogy), ESA Suzuki Teacher Trainer on the cello.
Course fee: Registration fee SEK 2,000 (approx. EUR 204 or USD 247), the rest payable in two instalments, the first in July 2018 Swedish Kronor (SEK) 7,250 (approx. EUR 737 or USD 895) and the second in February 2019 Swedish Kronor 7,250 (approx. EUR 737 or USD 895) ** These payments include examination fee.
Please note that residents in Sweden and other countries belonging to the European Union (EU) need to add 25% Value Added Tax (VAT) to these sums.
Language: The course will be given in English.
Application: Interested brass teachers are invited to send their applications by connecting to the link below, fill in details and submit before June 1, 2018.
Audition: For ESA Level 1, an audition CD/recording is required prior to final acceptance of participation in accordance with instructions below. For ESA Level 2, a completed Level 1 Suzuki teacher training course on a brass instrument is an entry requirement.
For more information please contact
Ann-Marie Sundberg
E-mail: amsundberg48@gmail.com
Mobile Phone +46-70 55 77 912
*Accommodation possibilities close to the course venue in hotels or hostels.
**Value Added Tax (VAT) of 25% needs to be added to these sums for residents in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and other EU countries.
Should you wish to obtain a certificate at the end of the course on more than one brass instruments, you must do an audition and an examination on each of these instruments.
Audition Process for Suzuki Brass Course ESA Level 1 2018-2019
Make a recording on CD or with similar technique. This must be your own playing on your main instrument without any accompaniment.
The pieces to be recorded are (see separate sheets below for printed music):
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star – Theme and four variations
- G Tartini – Saraband bars/measures 1-16
- G Buononcini – Rondeau bars/measures 1-32
Please send your recording by post to:
Ann-Marie Sundberg
Stångåvägen 16
SE-128 44 Bagarmossen
or by e-mail to:
Trine Sennerud Melby Folkedans
Vegar Vårdal Folkemusikk
Mari Halvorsen Tango
Anne-Berit Halvorsen Fiolin/teori
Lars Andreas Aspesæter Piano
Gruppetimer, konserter, fritid og godt sosialt miljø.
Hotellet har flotte bademuligheter!
Informasjon fredag kl. 18.00
Seminarets første time starter fredag kl. 18.30 og avsluttes med en felleskonsert søndag 14.30 – 15.30.
Spørsmål kan rettes til Anne-Berit Halvorsen abbhalvorsen@gmail.com
påmeldingsskjema og mer informasjon: Klækken kurs 2019 invitasjon
Norsk Suzukiforbund (NSF) inviterer til inspirasjonshelg
9-10 mars 2019
Påmelding innen 28. februar 2019
Betaling av deltageravgift = påmelding
Lørdag: alle instrumentalister (avgift 100 NOK inkl. lunsj)
Søndag: først og fremst for fiolinister (200 NOK)
Sted: Norges Musikkhøgskole, Slemdalsveien 11, 0363 Oslo
Martin Rüttiman, fiolin og leder for International Suzuki Association
Harald Söderberg, Teacher Trainer, gitar
Sigrun Landro Bekken, Teacher Trainer, piano
Hilde Sponberg Hansen, universitetslektor, cello